filter package
filter.Filter module
- class filter.Filter.Filter(sim: Simulator)
Error-State Kalman Filter for fusing camera and IMU measurements using a sensor setup model (probe).
- property Om_old
- property acc_old
- calculate_dof_metric()
at end of run
- calculate_metric(i_cam, camera)
- calculate_update_mse(i_cam, camera)
- property om_old
- plot(camera, compact)
- propagate(t, om, acc)
- propagate_imu(t0: float, tn: float)
Generates IMU data between old and current camera frame, then uses this data to propagate the states as many times as there are IMU data between frames.
- reset(x0, cov0, notch0)
- run(camera: Camera, k: int, run_desc_str: str) None
Filter main loop (t>=1) over all camera frames, not counting IC. arg: k should already be adjusted to start at 1.
- run_one_epoch(old_t: float, t: float, i_cam: int, camera: Camera) None
Kalman filter run between old camera frame and current camera frame. 1 epoch = (>=1 prediction steps) + (1 update step) Calculates the unnormalised DOF MSE.
i_cam must be already adjusted so that the IC is not counted
- save()
- property u
- update(t: float, camera: VisualMeasurementPoint, ang_notch: float)
- update_noise_matrices()
filter.Simulator module
- class filter.Simulator.Simulator(config: Config)
Simulation object with simulation settings as attributes. Provides methods for running and tuning the Kalman filter simulation.
- property best_run_id: int
- property config
- property cov0: ndarray
Returns a copy of the initial covariance matrix.
- property optim_std: List[float]
- optimise() None
For tuning the KF parameters. Currently only for kp (scale factor for process noise).
- plot(compact=True) None
- reset_kf() None
- run(disp_config=False, save_best=False, verbose=True) None
Runs KF on the camera trajectory several times. Calculates the mean squared error of the DOFs,
averaged from all the KF runs.
- run_once() None
Only performs a single run of the filter.
filter.state module
- class filter.state.ErrorState(dp: 'np.ndarray', dv: 'np.ndarray', dq: 'Quaternion', ddofs: 'np.ndarray', dndofs: 'np.ndarray', dpc: 'np.ndarray', dqc: 'Quaternion', theta: 'np.ndarray', theta_c: 'np.ndarray')
- SIZE = 24
- ddofs: ndarray
- dndofs: ndarray
- dp: ndarray
- dpc: ndarray
- dq: Quaternion
- dqc: Quaternion
- dv: ndarray
- static from_array(vec: ndarray) ErrorState
- theta: ndarray
- theta_c: ndarray
- class filter.state.State(p: 'np.ndarray', v: 'np.ndarray', q: 'Quaternion', dofs: 'np.ndarray', notch_dofs: 'np.ndarray', p_cam: 'np.ndarray', q_cam: 'Quaternion')
- SIZE = 26
- property array: List[ndarray]
- dofs: ndarray
- notch_dofs: ndarray
- p: ndarray
- p_cam: ndarray
- q: Quaternion
- q_cam: Quaternion
- v: ndarray