tools package
tools.Quaternion module
- class tools.Quaternion.Quaternion(val: Optional[np.ndarray, Quaternion] = None, x: Optional[float] = None, y: Optional[float] = None, z: Optional[float] = None, w: Optional[float] = None, v: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, do_normalise: bool = False, euler: str = '')
Quaternion convenience class. Euler rotations are extrinsic: rotations about the fixed CS.
- static about_axis(angle: ndarray, axis: ndarray) Quaternion
Returns the quaternion about the given axis. From:
- property angle
in radians
- property axis
- property conjugate
- property euler_xyz_deg
- property euler_xyz_rad
- property euler_zyx_deg
- property euler_zyx_rad
- normalise() None
Normalises quaternion vector.
- property rot
- property sp_rot
Scipy Rotation object
- property v
- property wxyz
- property xyzw
tools.config module
- class tools.config.CameraConfig(*, start_frame: int = None, total_frames: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, scale: int, with_notch: bool = False, noise: CameraNoise)
Configuration of the camera trajectory.
- noise: CameraNoise
- scale: int
- classmethod set_total_frames(v) Optional[int]
- start_frame: Optional[int]
- total_frames: Optional[Union[str, int]]
- with_notch: bool
- class tools.config.CameraNoise(*, position: List[float], theta: List[float], notch: float)
Settings for the noise matrix of the visual measurements. Angle values are given in degrees by the user in the yaml file, but are converted to radians for simulation.
- notch: float
- position: List[float]
- theta: List[float]
- classmethod to_radians(v) Union[list, float]
- property vec: ndarray
- class tools.config.Config(filepath: Union[Path, str])
Configuration object that contains settings for the simulation, models, trajectories as well as initial conditions.
- property dofs_updated: bool
- print() None
- class tools.config.DofsNoise(*, translation: List[float], rotation: List[float], notch_accel: float)
Settings for the process matrix (DOFs random walk parameters).
- notch_accel: float
- rotation: List[float]
- classmethod to_radians(v) Union[list, float]
- translation: List[float]
- property vec: ndarray
- class tools.config.FilterConfig(*, ic: InitialConditions, process_noise: Dict)
Configuration of the filter.
- process_noise: Dict
- class tools.config.ImuConfig(*, interframe_vals: int, noise_sample_rate: float, gravity: float)
Configuration of the IMU trajectory.
- gravity: float
- interframe_vals: int
- property noise_gyro: float
in deg/s.
- noise_sample_rate: float
- property stdev_accel: ndarray
in cm/s^2
- property stdev_omega: List[float]
in rad/s.
- class tools.config.InitialConditions(*, cov0: States, x0: States)
Initial values of the filter states.
- property cov0_matrix: ndarray
- class tools.config.ModelConfig(*, length: float, angle: float)
Dimensions of the sensor setup model.
- angle: float
- length: float
- classmethod to_radians(v) float
- class tools.config.SimConfig(*, mode: SimMode, img_path: Path, traj_path: Path, traj_name: Path, notch_traj_name: Path, traj_fp: Path = None, notch_fp: Path = None, num_kf_runs: int = 1, frozen_dofs: List[int], do_plot: bool, do_fast_sim: bool)
Configuration of the simulation.
- do_fast_sim: bool
- do_plot: bool
- frozen_dofs: List[int]
- img_path: Path
- mode: SimMode
- notch_fp: Optional[Path]
- notch_traj_name: Path
- num_kf_runs: int
- classmethod paths_exist(v: Path) Path
- classmethod set_mode(v) SimMode
- traj_fp: Optional[Path]
- traj_name: Path
- traj_path: Path
- class tools.config.States(*, imu_pos: List[float], imu_vel: List[float], imu_theta: List[float], dofs_rot: List[float], dofs_trans: List[float], notch: List[float], camera_pos: List[float], camera_theta: List[float])
Values of the filter states.
- camera_pos: List[float]
- camera_theta: List[float]
- dofs_rot: List[float]
- dofs_trans: List[float]
- imu_pos: List[float]
- imu_theta: List[float]
- imu_vel: List[float]
- notch: List[float]
- classmethod to_radians(v) List[float]
- property vec: ndarray
tools.config_enums module
tools.files module
- tools.files.get_dataframe(filepath: str, max_vals: int) DataFrame
Extracts data from file into a dataframe. :param filepath: filepath containing measurement data :param max_vals: maxinum number of data to store
- tools.files.handle_not_exist(filepath: str) None
- tools.files.save_trajectory(trajectory: TrajectoryBase, filename: str)
Writes trajectory to disk.
- tools.files.save_tuned_params(x, filename=None)
- tools.files.write_angvel_data(filename: str, imu_frames_interp: SE3, t_interp: np.ndarray, dt: float) None
tools.math module
- tools.math.euler_error_checking(euler_xyz: ndarray, euler_yzx: ndarray) None
Checks the values of two sets of Euler angles.
- tools.math.skew(x: ndarray)
Returns the skew matrix of a 3-element vector. :param x: :return:
tools.plots module
- tools.plots.plot_imu(t: np.ndarray, p: np.ndarray, v: np.ndarray, a: np.ndarray, r: np.ndarray, omega: np.ndarray, p_recon: np.ndarray, v_recon: np.ndarray, eul_recon: np.ndarray) None
tools.printing module
- tools.printing.np_string(arr: ndarray, precision: int = 4) str
Formats numpy arrays for printing.
tools.spatial module
- tools.spatial.get_omega_local(imu_frames: SE3) ndarray
- tools.spatial.interpolate(frames: SE3, n_interframe: int) SE3
- tools.spatial.solve_for_omega(q0: Quaternion, q1: Quaternion, dt: float, eval_at_q0: bool = True) np.ndarray
tools.utils module
- tools.utils.generate_imudof_ic(gt_dofs: ndarray) ndarray
Generates synthetic initial conditions of the IMU dofs by perturbing the real DOFs
e.g. DOFs (real) : [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 20.] DOFs (IC) : [ 0.05 0. 0. 3. 3. 23.]
- tools.utils.get_ic(camera: Camera, imu: Imu, imudof_ic: np.ndarray) State
Returns the initial states given the camera and IMU states, as well as the initial values of the IMU DOFS. :param camera: camera object :param imu: IMU object :param imudof_ic: initial conditions of IMU degrees of freedom :return:
- tools.utils.get_upd_values(obj: object, comp: str, indices: Union[int, list])
returns obj (e.g. self.traj or self.imu.ref) component at update timestamps only.